Donation opportunity via PR PASS Workshop

$15,000 to $25,000 - anticipated fundraising potential

Use of funds:

  • 15% project administration
  • *cover costs of projects discussed and agreed upon with the NPOs
  • *provide educational stipends to students who undertake internships in the NPO to expedite technology projects. They will also receive supervision, training, and mentorship from PR PASS Workshop.
  • *the benefited entity does not receive cash but does receive an accounting statement and the opportunity to decide how the funds are used.

Proposed EXAMPLE:

At PR PASS Workshop we are committed to the training and technological development of non-profit organizations.

In 2019, PR PASS Workshop granted a technology incentive to Hogar Cuna San Cristobal. Following a participatory design process, the Home defined as a project objective to digitize the social services and welfare reports that are delivered daily at the Home. Now that this project has been successfully completed, Hogar Cuna San Cristobal is looking to drive its transformation process again. At present, they have informed us of two areas of action:

  • Provide onsite computer help desk support
  • Digitalize new intervention areas to generate reports that are shared externally during referrals or adoption processes
  • Digitalize past records to facilitate access and analysis.
  • Assign resources to increase organizational capacity and knowledge.
Contribution Amount
Other Amount $
Total Amount
Billing Name and Address